Hornets are the largest of the wasp family and are very similar in appearance to the yellow jacket. Although not as aggressive as their cousins the yellow jacket, hornets can be territorial. This is the case especially when protecting their nests, making them not only a nuisance pest but a potentially dangerous one for yourself and your loved ones.
Hornet Description

Hornets are the largest of the social wasps and measure between one-and-a-half inches to almost two-and-a-half inches in length.
Color & Appearance
One of the most common species of hornets in the Portland & Vancouver metro area is the bald-faced hornet which has a very distinctive white and black striped pattern on its body.
Some species of hornets are very similar in appearance to yellow jackets, with very thin waists and alternating stripes of very dark brown (almost black) and yellow. As members of the wasp family – it’s very common to get confused, but they are different from paper wasps – as they build different types of nests and a have slightly different body type.
What are hornets?
Hornets are a type of wasp consisting of queens (the dominants of the species who are the only ones to reproduce), workers (asexual females), and males, the latter of which are few in number and exist for only one purpose: to mate with the queens. Accordingly, males die shortly after mating. Colony expansion is a primary motivation for hornets, and workers will aggressively defend their nests if they feel threatened.
How did I get hornets?
Hornets are attracted to spaces where they can safely establish their nests and consume food in order to grow their colony. If your yard or property features areas attractive to nest building — like eaves, covered patio spaces, or high tree branches (in other words, most yards) then hornets will likely be drawn to those spaces. Regular review of these parts of your yard and property can go a long way in keeping your family safe and your yard pest-free!
What do hornets eat?
Hornets feed on tree sap and other sugary plant-based foods, but are also highly effective predators, and commonly consume bees, flies, and numerous other insects.
Where are hornets coming from?
If you have hornets in your in yard, odds are they’ve built a nest in one of the areas we previously mentioned (eaves, trees, covered patios or other high-up places where the nest can be protected), and they’ve built a nest there because not only is it safe, but because it’s a food-rich environment. If your yard or property is teeming with other insects and flowering plants, then hornets (along with many other pests) will be happy to make it their home.
Still not sure if you’re looking at a hornet?
Hornet Tips

Hornets will sting and can cause serious allergic reactions.
Though not as aggressive as their cousin the yellow jacket, worker hornets in particular can be aggressive, especially when they feel their nests are threatened. While their stingers can hurt people no matter whom they attack, some can have serious allergic reactions to these stings, including anaphylactic shock. If you or someone you know is experiencing these or similar symptoms, seek medical attention immediately!

Hornets are seasonally active.
Hornets thrive most in the spring, summer, and early fall months of the year. Before the weather turns cold and the new queens begin overwintering in areas like rotten logs, beneath tree bark, and even underneath the siding of your home! Although the rest of the colony will not survive the year, the queens will emerge from overwintering in the spring and begin a new colony usually nearby.
can i treat HORNETS
on my own?

We don’t recommend DIY treatment for hornet removal.
Because truly effective hornet treatment requires nest removal as a standard, we do not recommend homeowners treat for hornet infestations on their own. Not only are you putting yourself or your loved ones at risk from excessive stings, removing a hornet nest from your home without the proper equipment can cause damage.
Hornet extermination with guaranteed results
Why should I call professional pest control?
The hornet treatment specialists at Aspen Pest Control have the experience, expertise, and equipment necessary for a truly effective execution of your hornet infestation. They treat the hornets you have, will remove nests all the way up to your second story eaves, and if additional pest treatments are advised and accepted, will treat your home for the pests that are attracting the hornets to your yard in the first place!
Prevent hornets
The best way to prevent an ongoing hornet infestation is through the regular maintenance and pest control. First, professionals need to work to remove your initial infestation and whatever other pests might be attracting the hornets to your home in the first place.
Our Four Seasons Home Protection Plan is a quarterly service where our technicians treat the pests prone to your home environment before they come back or cause an ongoing infestation. See pests in between your regular quarterly service? We’re happy to come back free of charge to provide additional treatments to ensure that your home is pest-free.
Early intervention is crucial for hornet extermination
The sooner you can apply treatment to a hornet infestation, the better. As they build their nest and grow their colony, the potential threat to your loved ones also increases. Though hornets do not return to the same nests year over year, the same areas can have appeal, making it essential to regularly examine common nesting areas.
Hornet Treatment
Our hornet experts know just the sorts of places that hornets like to build their nests. Sometimes their nests can be conspicuous, and sometimes they’re harder to find. Oftentimes, our customers have multiple infestations without even knowing it! Our team prides itself on thoroughly examining your home and property to make certain we’re completely and effectively ridding you of your home hornet problem.

Apply products
Because hornets are flying insects, they can sometimes be difficult to treat. We’ve found that a combination of nest removal in addition to commercial-grade products that treat for hornets and the numerous nuisance pests that are attracting the hornets is key to creating an effective pest infestation solution.

This is where quarterly service can create a pest-free life. Our experts will regularly examine your home’s typical pest problem areas and apply the necessary recommended treatments that you’ve agreed to in order to ensure that you see us more than you ever see any pests! We love to serve our customers, and our commitment to showing them value through our work is why so many of your friends and neighbors choose us for their pest control needs!

Secure your home from hornets

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed
You don’t have to give up your yard to a hornet infestation. You can trust the experts at Aspen Pest Control to carefully listen to your needs, diagnose the pest situation you’re facing, and prescribe the right pest treatment solution that can get you back to a normal life in no time!
Call Aspen Pest Control today and get rid of your hornet problem.
Talk with an expert pest control technician
Vancouver Office:
12104 NE 95th St.
Vancouver, WA 98682
Portland Office:
8305 SE Monterey Ave
Suite 220 Q
Happy Valley, OR 97086
Mailing Address:
19215 SE 34th St
Suite #106-155
Camas, WA 98607