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Spider Season in the Pacific Northwest: How to Keep your Happy Valley Home Free of Spiders

by | Oct 14, 2020 | Spider Control

Your home in Happy Valley would probably be a whole lot happier if it was free of spider infestations!

What do you really know about spiders?

It’s no secret that spiders are a greatly reviled creature. They’re villains in nursery rhymes, are the namesakes of killers, and are a central symbol of Halloween, the spookiest and creepiest of all holidays. But when it comes to real-life experiences with spiders, what much do you really know about them other than just not wanting them in or around your home?

If you have a pest issue at your home or business, contact our Happy Valley exterminator near you for a Free Consultation.

Spiders: fact or fiction?

There are around five hundred species of spiders in the Pacific Northwest, so it’s important to know which are potentially harmful to you and your loved ones, as well as knowing what’s true vs. what’s myth in regard to their habits. For instance, according to Scientific America, we DO NOT swallow spiders while we sleep. That’s just an urban legend that’s gained considerable traction over the years.

What type of threat do they really pose?

Also important to note is that all spiders — yes, all spiders — are venomous. But they are all venomous in varying degrees, meaning that very, very few in the greater Happy Valley area are life-threatening. In fact, in our Pacific Northwestern neck of the woods, there are only two that pose a deadly threat to humans: the yellow sac spider and the black widow spider.

Luckily for us, these particular species don’t like our climate, preferring the more arid, desert-like weather of the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington. Of course, we don’t want to negate the fact that certain spider bites can still be harmful or cause an allergic reaction. If you or a loved one has experienced this, then we recommend you seek appropriate advice and medical attention. We’re not doctors, but we want you healthy so please take care of yourselves.

So, most spiders aren’t a physical threat, but are they harmful? In truth, one of the biggest harms spiders pose is psychological. It’s reported that approximately one-third of all women and one-quarter of all men in the United States have some fear of spiders. That’s about NINETY-FIVE million people. Nearly one-third of our entire population. With numbers like that, it’s no surprise that folks just like and your neighbors in Happy Valley need spider extermination services that they can rely on.

How did I get a spider infestation?

Spiders become prominent when they find environments where their basic needs are met. This usually happens when there is a reliable source of food present, and when they are able to find areas where they can build webs and lay eggs with little threat of harm.

Take a look around your yard. Are spiders the only infestation you see? Are there other insects and pests present? Are there any instances of standing water or moisture on your property that you can find? An abundance of flowering plants? Any one of these items is an invitation for insects to invade, as these are all features that they prefer when seeking out food, water, and the like.

And these factors just pertain to potential infestations occurring outside the home, but what about when spiders make their way inside the home? Are your window and door seals secure? Do you have cracked or damaged brickwork that needs to be addressed? These are entry points for spiders and other pests, so the sooner you know about these, the better!

How do I keep them out of my home and away from my body?

Extermination is important, but so is preventing the next infestation from occurring. Below you’ll find a few tips and tricks to help you deal with spiders safely and effectively.

Seal of approval.

Remember the entry points we mentioned? Door and window seals, brick work, and other potential entry points can be easily closed off by regularly observing these areas and quickly fixing any issues you find. You’ll vastly reduce their ability to enter your home, and you just might see a decrease in your energy bills, too!

Brush, don’t squish!

Spider bites are more likely to happen when a spider is being squished against your skin. Essentially, they’re threatened and trying to protect themselves. Instead of panicking and squishing, we recommend you try your best to remain calm and brush them away from your body to avoid a bite.

Bringing the outdoors indoors? Take a closer look!

Spiders love houseplants, Christmas trees, and even wood piles for laying eggs. If you’re bringing any of these items indoors, we recommend you take a close look to make sure there are no spiders or egg sacs to be found. These egg sacs can sometimes contain hundreds of spiders, so look carefully and act accordingly, otherwise, you just might get more than a few new roommates.

Shake it up.

It’s not unusual to store work or shop clothes in your garage, shed, shop, or other outbuildings. Spiders love these items because they don’t always get used often, so they appear to be a safe place for laying eggs. If you’re going to put on an item that’s been out in one of these areas for a while, please give them a good shake or two before putting them on. You might be surprised at what falls out!

Get rid of the clutter.

In addition to sheds, garages and the like, areas such as basements, attics, and cellars are also places that spiders feel safe and can be found laying eggs and spinning webs. The regular tidying of these areas will tell spiders that they’re not as safe as they might have thought, and it can also make your day-to-day life a little bit easier when you’ve got fewer messes to deal with. A real win-win!

Keep your distance.

Having wood piles, shrubs, and other items too close to the outside of your home or other outbuilding are basically an invitation for spiders and other pests. At least a foot of distance between these items and building walls will give pests like spiders less reason to set up shop, meaning fewer spiders altogether!

I already have spiders in my home, how do I get rid of an infestation?

The best way to get rid of an established spider infestation is to call upon a professional team of experienced exterminators — folks just like us at Aspen Pest Control — because we know how to hit ‘em where it hurts! And how exactly do you hit ‘em where it hurts? By removing the variables that have drawn them to you in the first place, namely food and shelter.

Spiders have to be treated differently than we would most insect infestations. Many insects we treat have a habit of grooming themselves and ingesting the products we apply. Spiders, which are not insects but actually arachnids, do not display this behavior quite as often. Normal extermination methods are not always enough. However, we can treat spiders by treating for other pests, effectively removing their source of food from your property and also removing the desirability of your home!

Another incredibly important means in exterminating the spiders from in or around your home is by removing their webs. Spiders spend a great deal of time constructing and maintaining their webs, so by removing them, we are preventing them from establishing at the home. Through the combination of food and web removal and application of commercial products — along with some other diligent preventative measures — you just might find yourself with a much-deserved decrease in spiders! Our commitment to you is the guaranteed experience of a pest-free and worry-free life.

We’re Aspen Pest Control. And we want to help you get rid of your spider infestation! Call us TODAY for your FREE quote.

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